4.8.0 (November 23rd, 2023)
New Features
- New Language – Euskara
- Grouping support has been added. Selecting multiple items and pressing the “group” icon will group the objects together as one item. Note, text objects not yet supported
- Multi-Selection – Holding CTRL then clicking objects will add them to the selection, or click again to de-select
- Improved Google Maps tool
- Media Capture tool now has improved webcam handling for widescreen and 4:3 resolution cameras
- Media Capture tool now supports double-tap to enter or exit full screen mode
- Media Capture tool now has improved high resolution / high DPI handling
- Improved Highligher speed and performance
- Preferences dialogue layout has been changed to tabs to help support smaller resolutions or higher DPI settings
- Undo/Redo now supports resizing of objects such as annotations, images, textboxes
- Undo/Redo now supports erase actions
- Undo/Redo now supports moving and resizing of multi-selected objects
- Undo/Redo now has an improved history for dealing with undo order
- Pressing CTRL+A within a textbox now shows a hyperlink button to apply to the entire text
- Polling Tools such as Multiple Choice, Sequence, will have an improved pop-out menu to select polling choices
- URLs are now clickable in the About window
Bug Fixes
- IWB files imported from Promethean ActivInspire will now load certain types of shapes correctly
- IWB files imported from Smart Notebook will now read in certain types of text objects correctly
- The Quick Tool Palette will automatically hide again when interacting with the canvas
- After using the text tool, the cursor icon will now show correctly for the Media Gallery, Audio Import tool, and polling tools
- Dragging over, then away from an number tool object will no longer keep it locked in place
- Changing from subscript to superscript and vice versa will now work as intended
- Saving a file and manually typing in the file name will now give an overwrite warning prompt
- Text boxes no longer appear partially invisible in a case where 3 lines are written and backspace is pressed
- “Opacity” is now used in the English language tooltip nstead of “Alpha” for the highlighter
- Text box toolbar now auto closes when a text box is deleted
- Writing “X” with handwriting recognition will no longer cause a potential out-of-range error
- Scientific calculator bug fixes
- Mac OS – pressing E or D on the keyboard will no longer bring up emoticon / dictation menus (introduced with Monterey)
- Mac OS – Drawing offset no longer occurs
- Mac OS – Lines and Shapes toolbar is now correctly shown above the dock
- Mac OS – Entering Glass Mode twice in a row no longer causes the cursor to disappear
- Mac OS – Screen recording playback no longer shows as distorted when playing back with a 3rd party media player
4.7.12 (October 14th, 2022)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue with widget loading when opening saved files
4.7.11 (September 28th, 2022)
New Features
- Dice Tool now has 8 multi-colored dice which have been specially designed to support learners with color blindness
- Dice Tool now has 8 multi-colored dice which have been specially designed to support learners with color blindness

- Google Maps tool has been rebuilt and now supports auto-fill. Click away from the map to save it as an image to the bottom layer of the canvas. Double click the image or click the “Map” icon at the top left of the image to make it interactive again.
- Arrows will now have a minimum thickness of 1 rather than 0 which caused it to become invisible
- Scientific Calculator will now show an updated display automatically when the sum is changed
- Set Square now has better rotation implemented
- Copying and pasting several objects at once will take layers into consideration
- Drawing through the Quick Tool Palette (QTP) will no longer cause the cursor to stop
- Creating a new text box will have the same font color as the last-selected color
- Using keyboard shortcuts to format text such as bold, italic, and underline will now highlight the text properties buttons accordingly
Bug Fixes
- Text Tool – Drawing a text box out of bounds will now draw correctly to the outer boundary of the usable space.
- Text Tool – Adding a hyperlink to a word will no longer cause issues if multiple copies of that word exist
- Text Tool – Subscript and Superscript icons will now highlight correctly based on the current selection
- Text Tool – Cloning a text box will also clone the properties of the text inside
- Handwriting Recognition toolbar will no longer shift position when drawing over the top of it
- Double clicking and dragging a shape will no longer cause the trash can to disappear
- Image hyperlinks are now correctly being saved as part of a lesson when opening on a different computer
- The Horizontal Bar Graph will now show bars correctly for values under 10
- The Advanced Graph title will now update correctly
- The Advanced Graph cells no longer go outside of the widget area when there is only 1 row and 1 column
- Copying a Table then navigating to another slide will no longer copy it across to the new slide
- Clear Screen function will now completely remove all objects from the screen
- Word Vault will no longer unintentionally delete matching words
- The Letters from the Word Builder and Word Parts will now be sized correctly according to the user preference set in the Preferences screen
- Reflection Tool – Rectangle points C and D will now display correctly and will no longer show as 1 unit less than they should be
- It is now possible to drag an object to the trash can if a section of the object had already been erased
- The erasing process will no longer stop working after a shape has been partly erased and then resized