Building and Strengthening a Culture of Innovation

Building and Strengthening a Culture of Innovation

The word ‘innovation’ is generally defined as the introduction and/or use of some new idea, device, or method with the goal of producing positive change. Many companies are working towards creating a culture of innovation so that the byproduct of improved...
Lessons to Encourage Healthy Living

Lessons to Encourage Healthy Living

With our quickly changing world, technology has become a major part of our children’s day. Whether at home, school, or even during extracurricular activities, our children are interacting with some type of technology such as smart phones, laptops, and interactive...

Import Your Favorite Interactive Lessons to OKTOPUS

Change can, at times, be a challenge especially if we’ve become used to doing things a certain way or using a specific program or tool for years. But change can also lead to a “reinvigoration” of strategies and techniques we’ve grown accustomed to. Remember the first...