On Your Mark, Get Set…It’s a New School Year!

On Your Mark, Get Set…It’s a New School Year! Do you feel that? The anticipation of another school year beginning, a fresh start with up-to-date class displays and bulletin boards, new students ready to reveal their personalities, and a full bag of “teacher tricks” to...
Let’s Wrap This Up!

Let’s Wrap This Up!

It’s the end of the school year and testing is OVER! That’s right…O-V-E-R, OVER. So, now what? For most, this time of the year means cleaning out desks, taking down bulletin boards, and trying to keep your students focused on something education-related. With just a...
Math Workshop – Your Students Will Thank You

Math Workshop – Your Students Will Thank You

Math has been the bane of my educational career, starting from kindergarten (“Count what?”) to when I was studying to get my teaching credential and had to take an Educational Foundations of Math class (“There’s a difference between concept and skill?!”). Teaching...

The Trouble with Fractions

Fractions can be the most frustrating concept to teach! I struggled with making sure my students understood that in order to do anything with fractions (compare, add, subtract, etc), the fractions themselves had to have equal-sized parts. Can’t compare fractions with...