Professional Development

Making Technology a Success

Our goal is to provide the best tools to successfully integrate technology, enhance teacher effectiveness and improve learning outcomes. Working with EOS Education we are proud to offer training solutions that work with any budget and schedule.

Our Philosophy

We believe there are three fundamentals to improving teaching and learning quality:

We are focused on sustainable implementation that provides:

SYSTEMIC CHANGE through guided processes

SELF-SUFFICIENCY as experts work alongside district and teacher leaders

DOCUMENTATION and purposeful follow-up

Maximizing resources is essential:

LEVERAGING existing district/school capabilities and know-how

SETTING CLEAR EXPECTATIONS and providing accountability

DRIVING EFFICIENCY through workflow optimization

OKTOPUS Certification

Available as a Self-Paced Course. Learn, Practice and Assess Your Skills.

7 Modules : 5 Hours of Training & 2 Bonus Modules : 45 mins – Available: (English Only)


All modules will consist of video demonstrations, activities to practice the tools and a short quiz. Courses will also include PDF handouts and sample lessons modeling how the tools could be used in a classroom activity.

Watch this short video.