Thanks again to everyone who has been in touch with us with their latest feedback and requests.

With 4K / UHD flatpanels now being sold over 1080p / FHD flatpanels, we get a lot of users asking us about 4K support. We actually added in native 4K support last year, so when you run OKTOPUS on a 4K flatpanel, it means:

  • OKTOPUS runs in native 4K out-of-the-box – no additional config required
  • 4K content is fully supported – ie images and video
  • The OKTOPUS user interface is perfectly sized – every icon and button looks as it should
  • The OKTOPUS canvas (drawing area) is native 4K – you can use every pixel available
  • There is no pixelation – everything is sharp

However, there is one sticking point for our 4K users. The current hardware requirements to run OKTOPUS in 4K – which a lot of users simply don’t have – means that a lot of users experience a slow pen. We are committed to fixing this and giving the best 4K performance we can, even with integrated graphics cards such as the entry-level Intel HD520.

In fact, our recent development tests have shown that on a standard OPS module (i5 processor, 8GB RAM, Intel HD520 and a traditional hard drive), OKTOPUS deals with the pen in 4K effortlessly!

We can’t wait to get this new version out the door – keep your eyes peeled!

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