The OKTOPUS front of class games allows up to 4 players using a multitouch device such as a flatpanel display. Any existing Qwizdom content file that has been set up with questions slides, or any OKTOPUS lesson that has been manually set up with questions slides can be turned into a game.

  1. Press Settings > Start Presentation
  2. Select “Respond With: Touchscreen (1-4 Players)
  3. Choose a Game Type, eg FastTrack
  4. Select whether you would like to send right/wrong feedback after answering. This will show the participant whether they got the answer correct or incorrect, until the last person has responded – so use with caution as this may enable others to see the correct answer!
  5. Select whether you would like players to be able to change their answer, up until the moment the last person has responded.
  6. Click Start, and the activity will begin after a short animation plays.
  7. You will now be selected how many players should join (1 to 4).
  8. After navigating to a question slide, the answer choices will pop up in a section of the screen along the bottom. Below is an example of what participants would see after feedback has been turned on:

After all participants have answered, the games window will automatically appear. Below is an example of the scores window in FastTrack;


The presenter (or one of the participants) can select “Next” to advance to the next question, check the scores, or view the racetrack.

At the end of the presentation, the final scores are shown.

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