OKTOPUS comes with a built-in image gallery relating to various topic areas. To bring an image into the lesson, click or tap it. The image can be resized, and rotated. Hint: For more options such as cut, copy, paste, and bring forward / send backward, right-click on...
The window shade is an adjustable “blind” to hide on-screen items. Multiple window shades can be used to hide multiple parts of the screen. To adjust the shade, click or tap and drag the arrows on each side. The colour of the shade can be adjusted using the colour...
Enabling the flashlight will shroud the screen and will show a small visible area of the screen, similar to a flashlight being operated in a darkened room. Click or tap and drag the flashlight to move it around the screen. Adjust the size of the flashlight area by...
The magnifying glass will magnify anything that appears on screen. Click or press and drag the magnifying glass to move it around the screen. Adjust the size of the magnified area by dragging the resize button, and tap the X to close it.
The Undo button will undo any annotation. This can be repeated multiple times to undo further actions. The redo button will redo any annotation. This can be repeated multiple times to redo further actions.