February is American Heart Month, a time to raise awareness about the importance of keeping our hearts healthy and free from disease. This month is especially important for our young ones since they are making more and more choices about what they eat and how to stay active.

Qwizdom OKTOPUS is providing a FREE lesson and question set to help you give attention to heart health with your students. Use OKTOPUS annotation and collaboration software to present a short lesson and question sets and review causes of heart disease, including pertinent vocabulary, and a few tips on how to keep our hearts healthy. Click here for the free lessons: American Heart Month

If you don’t already have Qwizdom OKTOPUS, get a Free Trial. Then register an online account in OKTOPUS to access more free content and get a 30-Day trial of OKTOPUS Blend with Premium Common Core-aligned activities.

Explore and experience Qwizdom OKTOPUS today, starting with your free lesson for American Heart Month. Go to www.qwizdomoktopus.com

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