On Your Mark, Get Set…It’s a New School Year!

Do you feel that? The anticipation of another school year beginning, a fresh start with up-to-date class displays and bulletin boards, new students ready to reveal their personalities, and a full bag of “teacher tricks” to manage the learning. So, what else do you need? Ready-to-use lessons that cover a variety of topics and can be facilitated as a whole class, in small groups, or independently. The best part? They’re free! Use the lessons with your OKTOPUS annotation and collaboration software for interactive displays and start the school year on a positive(ly fun and engaging).

The grades K-2 and grades 3-5 packages each consists of eight activities that touch on topics in Reading and Language Arts, Math, and Science. The grades 6-8 package consists of eight activities that delve into topics in Math, Science, and Social Studies.

Click for on the link for each package:

To inject some fun while learning, try OKTOPUS GameZones. Up to four different activities from different subjects can be chosen to play as a class, with a partner, or individually. Click and watch this video to learn how this feature works with your interactive panel:

Get a Free Trial of OKTOPUS which includes Game Zones. Then register an online account in OKTOPUS to access free content and get a 30-Day trial of OKTOPUS Blend with Premium Common Core-aligned activities.

“You’ll never get bored when you try something new. There’s really no limit to what you can do.” – Dr. Seuss

As you start your new school year, cling to that excitement of incorporating new ideas, new strategies, and new resources. OKTOPUS can help keep that excitement going with easy-to-use, subject-specific annotation tools, cross platform capability, and enhanced multi-touch performance. You can even generate data reports for each lesson, including the option of viewing data by question. You’ll be able to see where your students are today and where they need to go! Explore and experience OKTOPUS today. Go to www.qwizdomoktopus.com.

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