Dec 4, 2019 | Business tool
The word ‘innovation’ is generally defined as the introduction and/or use of some new idea, device, or method with the goal of producing positive change. Many companies are working towards creating a culture of innovation so that the byproduct of improved...
Oct 23, 2019 | Teacher Tips
As you sit at your desk, staring at your tablet and the array of lessons coloring your virtual planner, trying to figure out “What next?” for the week’s lessons you feel…tired. Not just tired – exhausted, frustrated, and stressed. You’re this close to walking to the...
Aug 14, 2019 | New Features, Best Practices
“Have you started planning yet?” This is a common question heard on many a school campus about this time of year. Yet, planning for the new school year involves more than laying out the units and lessons for the year. Planning also involves the strategies that will be...
Jun 24, 2019 | Business tool
“Collaboration divides the task and multiplies the success.” With the right attitude, motivation, and tools, members of a company can discuss matters that affect and produce growth, increase productivity while fostering unity, and measure success. How has your company...