Learning Centers Made Easy

Learning Centers Made Easy

Walk into most elementary classrooms, and you will probably find learning centers strategically placed in the environment. Why learning centers? They are set up to reinforce concepts and skills, engage students in collaboration, as well as provide them with a sense of...

On Your Mark, Get Set…It’s a New School Year!

On Your Mark, Get Set…It’s a New School Year! Do you feel that? The anticipation of another school year beginning, a fresh start with up-to-date class displays and bulletin boards, new students ready to reveal their personalities, and a full bag of “teacher tricks” to...
Let’s Wrap This Up!

Let’s Wrap This Up!

It’s the end of the school year and testing is OVER! That’s right…O-V-E-R, OVER. So, now what? For most, this time of the year means cleaning out desks, taking down bulletin boards, and trying to keep your students focused on something education-related. With just a...
Game-Play Leads to Learning Benefits

Game-Play Leads to Learning Benefits

Choose the best answer to the following question: On a Wednesday afternoon, a math teacher asks his class of 6th graders, “Who wants to play a game?” What is the most likely response from the class of students? A few students raise their hands while the rest of the...
Learn Using Games for Interactive Whiteboards

Learn Using Games for Interactive Whiteboards

  Teachers, you are visionaries of learning in your classrooms. You work hard to develop lesson plans that will create learning pathways for each of your students, making modifications according to need (i.e. English Language Learners, students with special...
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