OKTOPUS Premium Interactive Whiteboard Lessons

OKTOPUS Premium Interactive Whiteboard Lessons

As educators, we are constantly on the hunt for activities and plans that can add to our repertoire of lessons. This is probably done more when we’re preparing our students for state standardized assessments. Besides using released sample questions and practice tests,...

The Trouble with Fractions

Fractions can be the most frustrating concept to teach! I struggled with making sure my students understood that in order to do anything with fractions (compare, add, subtract, etc), the fractions themselves had to have equal-sized parts. Can’t compare fractions with...
Learn Using Games for Interactive Whiteboards

Learn Using Games for Interactive Whiteboards

  Teachers, you are visionaries of learning in your classrooms. You work hard to develop lesson plans that will create learning pathways for each of your students, making modifications according to need (i.e. English Language Learners, students with special...
OKTOPUS Lessons for Preschool, Kindergarten and more

OKTOPUS Lessons for Preschool, Kindergarten and more

  OKTOPUS Preschool, Kindergarten Lessons and More For this month’s blog I wanted to give you some ideas on how you can use Qwizdom OKTOPUS with your Preschool – 4 Grade students. Did you know that there are free activities available online? I will walk you...
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