Import Your Favorite Interactive Lessons to OKTOPUS

Change can, at times, be a challenge especially if we’ve become used to doing things a certain way or using a specific program or tool for years. But change can also lead to a “reinvigoration” of strategies and techniques we’ve grown accustomed to. Remember the first...

On Your Mark, Get Set…It’s a New School Year!

On Your Mark, Get Set…It’s a New School Year! Do you feel that? The anticipation of another school year beginning, a fresh start with up-to-date class displays and bulletin boards, new students ready to reveal their personalities, and a full bag of “teacher tricks” to...

Professional Development on Your Terms: Why?

The summer is quickly coming to an end, and this means professional development days! The excitement of setting up your classrooms, designing your reading corner (Thank you, Pinterest!), color-coding your lesson plans by subject (oh, that could just be me), and making...

Collaborate with OKTOPUS

“Collaboration divides the task and multiplies the success.” With the right attitude, motivation, and tools, members of a company can discuss matters that affect and produce growth, increase productivity while fostering unity, and measure success. How has your company...
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