It’s the end of the school year and testing is OVER! That’s right…O-V-E-R, OVER. So, now what? For most, this time of the year means cleaning out desks, taking down bulletin boards, and trying to keep your students focused on something education-related. With just a couple of weeks left, how about wrapping up the academic year with free OKTOPUS lessons? The lessons are ready to present on your interactive board and are perfect for both collaboration and 1:1 interaction.

Grades K-2 Wrap-Up:

The K-2 Wrap-Up Math and Language Arts lessons in this package touch on many of the concepts and skills taught throughout the year. Many are aligned to learning standards that you’ve most likely focused on this year:

Click here to access the free lesson package: K-2 Wrap Up

Grades 3-5 Wrap-Up:

The Gr 3-5 Wrap-Up has lessons that deal with Language Arts, Math, and Science topics and skills you have worked hard to tackle during the year. Many are aligned to learning standards that you’ve most likely focused on:

Click here to access the free lesson package: Gr 3-5 Wrap Up


For increased review and work towards mastery, try OKTOPUS GameZones. You or your students can choose up to four different games from different subjects to play as a class, with a partner, or individually. Click and watch this video — GameZones – to learn how this feature works with your interactive panel.

Get a Free Trial of OKTOPUS which includes Game Zones. Then register an online account in OKTOPUS to access free content and get a 30-Day trial of OKTOPUS Blend with Premium CCSS-aligned activities.

So, as another year draws to a close, keep the learning going with OKTOPUS premade lessons. You can generate data reports for each lesson, including viewing data by question, and see how far your students have come. Go into the summer break knowing that your students progressed and are ready for the next school year. Enjoy!

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