Qwizdom OKTOPUS Software


Software Update – 4.4.38

Another new version of OKTOPUS is available for download!

We’ve implemented the ability to hide unnecessary toolsets. To do this, expand the toolbar to Aerial View and click the toolset title. It will grey-out the column. Click it again to mark it active.

Now, in the standard view, when you click the toolset selector, you’ll only see the toolsets you need and use.

Download from http://qwizdomoktopus.com/downloads

Read more for our full change log.

  • General – Added ability to deselect toolsets from within Aerial Mode by clicking on the toolset heading
  • General – Highlighter is now resizable
  • General – Translation improvements
  • General – Touch to Type and Touch Friendly modes are now set to “yes” by default on new installations
  • Bug Fix – Individual countries from the Select Map tool will now re-load correctly with a saved lesson
  • Bug Fix – Drawing a triangle with a perfectly horizontal base will now draw correctly
  • Bug Fix – QTP right-click functionality will now work correctly when a tool is active
  • Bug Fix – Searching for place names in Google Maps should now work as expected
  • Bug Fix – Periodic elements will now load as expected
  • Bug Fix – Word Vault will now populate correctly when the first word is added
Posted in: Software Updates
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